Create a Psychic Dream Pouch and Have Prophetic Dreams

By Tana Hoy

Your dreams can bring you psychic visions and messages from the spiritual world. They are a way for you to learn information from the higher realms. But more often than not, you only remember small fragments of your dreams or completely forget them. When you do remember your dreams, they are usually a replay of what happened during the day.

Your dreams can be a very useful psychic tool. But, they should be psychic in nature for them to provide you with benefits. If a dream just shows you a replay of your memories of the day, it may not have any psychic significance. These dreams can even make you feel more restless during sleep because it's like going though the day again.

Psychic dreams occur when you reach deeper states of consciousness and you become more open to the spiritual plane. There are ways for you to bring about these psychic dreams. Apart from deliberately relaxing the body before sleeping, you can follow methods which will allow you to have psychic dreams every single night.

Here is a simple method for having psychic dreams. You just need to have a small drawstring pouch, and any of the following herbs. You can choose one type, or all of it, or just some of it. It's up to you.








These herbs help in opening you up to psychic visions and prophetic dreams. When you have chosen and gathered your herbs and have prepared your pouch, imbue them with your own powers by following these steps:

1. Sit down in a comfortable position with your ingredients in front of you.

2. To relax your body and mind completely, take a few moments for deep breathing.

3. Take the pouch and open it to start filling it with the herbs. While doing this, think of the herbs' natural powers at work, combining to create an effective tool for inviting psychic dreams.

4. Tightly close the drawstring pouch when you are done, sealing the powers of the herbs together. The scent that emanates from the pouch reminds you of its powerful energies.

5. Hang your herb dream pouch over your bed or somewhere close to it.

You may replace the contents of your herb pouch once every two weeks, or when you feel like they need to be replaced already. The scent coming from the dream pouch may also indicate if it's time to change its contents. If you can no longer smell its fragrance or the herbs inside seem too dry, it's time to replace the herbs.

Don't forget to take note of all the dreams you have in a dream journal. This will help you remember the psychic dreams you have had and what they signify, should you wish to refer back to them.

Do not worry if you do not immediately have psychic dreams on the first night, or if there are nights when you seem not to have any dreams at all. Remember that you will eventually ease into the process and be able to have and remember more psychic dreams. Your fatigue and relaxation level are also factors to consider when trying to have psychic dreams. This is why it is important to put yourself in a completely relaxed state before going to sleep, so that your mind is cleared of the day's events. - 30438

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