Unleashing the Psychic Power Within

By Tana Hoy

We hear the word psychic every now and then. Looking at the definition of the term psychic, a dictionary will tell you that it is a person who can see beyond natural or scientific knowledge. You can also be given the definition that it refers to a person who is sensitive to influences or forces that are nonphysical or supernatural in nature.

Everyone has elements of psychic abilities within them. The only difference is the degree that we use them. There are many different signs to know if you may be psychic, and there are many types of these special gifts. Some people are blessed to have more than one psychic gift. Have you ever wondered what type of psychic gift you might have? Here is a list of the top five most popular psychic abilities:


The psychic ability of Clairvoyance means that a person can see places, scenes, situations, people, and objects that are far away. Clairvoyance comes from a French word meaning "clear seeing" and it uses the mind's eye to see beyond physical distance. This special gift is generally similar to another mind-controlled ability called "Remote Viewing."

A person with clairvoyant powers does not necessarily mean they have the power to see the future, but rather, they have the ability to see regardless of boundaries of location. These individuals who are gifted with Clairvoyance can use their mind to connect with people, objects, and places that are far away, and see mental images of that far away person or place. Types of clairvoyant gifts include precognition, second sight, and seeing auras.

Clairvoyance is also related to other psychic abilities -- Clairaudience and Clairsentience. Clairaudience which means "clear hearing", is the unique ability of hearing sounds internally. A person with Clairaudient powers can pick-up message, sounds, or voices, regardless of location. On the other hand, Clairsentience means "clear feeling." A person with this gift has a psychic way of knowing that comes through their "feeling."


Psychometry is popular known as "object reading." People with this gift have the ability to pick up certain vibrations on an object and get a vision of feeling once they have touched the object. These vibrations are referred to as leftover energy residues from the person who owned it, and it is through these residues that a psychic can know information about a place, person, or event by touching an object associated with that person, place, or event.


Synonymous to Telekinesis, Psychokinesis is another popular but rare psychic gift. Psychokinesis is the ability to move and influence items using the mind. When one is gifted with this power, they can move objects with their mind -- like chairs, or even a human body. The Psychokinesis gift can even be used to influence the outcome of an object, like a slot machine.


Another psychic gift related to the mind is Telepathy. The gift of Telepathy is popularly known as "mind reading." A person with this ability can read the thoughts of other people and communicate with another person by only using the mind. This psychic gift involves the transfer of thoughts between conscious beings -- humans and even animals. This psychic ability is the reason why there are people like those animal trainers, who can easily work with animals.

Auric Sight

Auric Sight seals our list of the most popular psychic abilities. Auric sight is the special ability to see the aura, or that field of energy that surrounds others. Many people are not aware that everyone has an aura. Everyone has an aura that is unique in shape and color. The aura gives insight into the person's personality, moods, emotions, and health. It is the energy from a person's aura, that sends out "vibes" about a certain person or place at first glance.

The five special gifts mentioned above are just some of the most popular psychic abilities. Now the question is -- how do you develop your extraordinary blessing? To start with, you must know that there are numerous ways to hone your unique abilities. But, to let your inner psychic does not happen in a snap.

There are four concepts that one must live by to fully reach their psychic potential. I call them the four key secrets to unlocking the psychic within - awareness, acceptance, meditation, and optimism. With the right discipline, dedication, the right state of mind, and the right guidance; anyone can unleash this extraordinary ability. - 30438

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Psychic Ability - How to Make A Psychic Energy Amplification Box to Increase Your Psychic Ability

By Tana Hoy

Your psychic ability can be increased in many ways. One is through the creation and use of a psychic ability amplification box. You might ask what a psychic ability amplification box is. A psychic ability amplification box is where your psychic energies are channeled so that a tool that will aid in improving your psychic ability is created.

For this technique, you will need to have some ingredients prepared:

A small box with a cover

Any of these gemstones for enhancing your psychic ability: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Citrine, Quartz Crystal, Emerald, Lapis Lazuli

Any combination of these dried herbs: Cinnamon, Honeysuckle, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Rose, Star Anise, Thyme

Once all the listed ingredients are prepared, start creating your psychic ability amplification box using these steps:

1. Find a quiet location where you can spend some time in peace. Make sure all your ingredients are with you.

2. Sit down and lay out all the ingredients you gathered. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind. As you exhale, let all thoughts leave your mind, so that you can completely focus on your intention.

3. When you are fully relaxed, open your eyes. Put the herbs you selected in the box. As long as there are enough herbs to cover the base of the box, it should be fine. Then, pick up your selected gemstone and let it rest on the layer of herbs.

4. When the ingredients are completed in the box, place your hands over it. Close your eyes. You will now direct your own psychic energy into the box. Visualize lilac-hued light emanating from your hands and flowing into the box. This energy aims to heighten your psychic ability. While doing this, let your mind open up to its surroundings. Let this heightened awareness go into the box too.

5. When you are finished, imagine the light from your hands fading. When the light is completely gone, open your eyes. Cover the box and put it aside overnight. This is a time for the energy you poured to immerse with the herbs and stone's energies.

6. The following night, open the box and place it in front of you as you meditate and let your mind become more open and receptive to everything that surrounds you. You can meditate for as long as you wish. You can also do this every night. When you are finished meditating, close the box again and let the energies recharge.

7. The herbs can be replaced each month; just repeat the process of empowering them in your psychic ability amplification box.

As you use your psychic ability amplification box, you are allowing the natural powerful energies of the gemstone and herbs to magnify and strengthen your own psychic energy. With more practice, you will find that other processes you do which involve the use of your psychic ability grow easier. Tuning in to the gemstones and herbs that you use also become faster since you are regularly connecting with them.

By enhancing your psychic ability, you are opening yourself up not only to the spiritual realms and to higher knowledge, but to more benefits that flow into your life as well. After all, it is your psychic ability which opens you up to a world where you can make things happen for you. - 30438

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I Am Sure Everyone Wants To Know How Does Telepathy Work

By Trevor Johnson

There are always queries and questions on how does telepathy work. Telepathy is a form of communication from one mind to another. People as well as animals are capably of communicating telepathically mainly through feelings and you often hear people say "I feel it in my gut". Many people practice telepathy by using images and emotions combined.

One does not need to have a degree of some sort in order to practice telepathy as telepathy is an inbred natural phenomenon we all have and some call it "sixth sense". Many people also term telepathy as coincidence for instance the phone rings and on the other end of the line is the person you were just thinking about - that is telepathy transmission of thought.

If you would like to fully develop your sixth sense then there are workshops offered whereby you will learn to send phrases and words. One has to be calm and centred when practicing telepathy and the best method is through meditation as practice makes perfect. You also have the ability to be able to intentionally send out a message to another person.

If you are familiar with quantum physics and mechanics then you will know that we are all inter connected with every living thing as well as the universe. One you have the understanding that you are part of the whole scheme and not apart only then will you send and receive this energy with ease.

Everything on this planet is made of energy and telepathy is also energy. For instance you have been thinking of someone for a few days which means you are transmitting that thought and the person you were thinking about will all of a sudden get in contact with you that is receiving and that is what telepathy is all about.

To understand energy and sending telepathic messages first of all you will have the "thought" in your mind such as I need to speak to my sister and then you will retract that thought and shortly after that your sister will call you. So how does telepathy work? It is a simple energy transmission of energy to another. - 30438

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Create a Psychic Dream Pouch and Have Prophetic Dreams

By Tana Hoy

Your dreams can bring you psychic visions and messages from the spiritual world. They are a way for you to learn information from the higher realms. But more often than not, you only remember small fragments of your dreams or completely forget them. When you do remember your dreams, they are usually a replay of what happened during the day.

Your dreams can be a very useful psychic tool. But, they should be psychic in nature for them to provide you with benefits. If a dream just shows you a replay of your memories of the day, it may not have any psychic significance. These dreams can even make you feel more restless during sleep because it's like going though the day again.

Psychic dreams occur when you reach deeper states of consciousness and you become more open to the spiritual plane. There are ways for you to bring about these psychic dreams. Apart from deliberately relaxing the body before sleeping, you can follow methods which will allow you to have psychic dreams every single night.

Here is a simple method for having psychic dreams. You just need to have a small drawstring pouch, and any of the following herbs. You can choose one type, or all of it, or just some of it. It's up to you.








These herbs help in opening you up to psychic visions and prophetic dreams. When you have chosen and gathered your herbs and have prepared your pouch, imbue them with your own powers by following these steps:

1. Sit down in a comfortable position with your ingredients in front of you.

2. To relax your body and mind completely, take a few moments for deep breathing.

3. Take the pouch and open it to start filling it with the herbs. While doing this, think of the herbs' natural powers at work, combining to create an effective tool for inviting psychic dreams.

4. Tightly close the drawstring pouch when you are done, sealing the powers of the herbs together. The scent that emanates from the pouch reminds you of its powerful energies.

5. Hang your herb dream pouch over your bed or somewhere close to it.

You may replace the contents of your herb pouch once every two weeks, or when you feel like they need to be replaced already. The scent coming from the dream pouch may also indicate if it's time to change its contents. If you can no longer smell its fragrance or the herbs inside seem too dry, it's time to replace the herbs.

Don't forget to take note of all the dreams you have in a dream journal. This will help you remember the psychic dreams you have had and what they signify, should you wish to refer back to them.

Do not worry if you do not immediately have psychic dreams on the first night, or if there are nights when you seem not to have any dreams at all. Remember that you will eventually ease into the process and be able to have and remember more psychic dreams. Your fatigue and relaxation level are also factors to consider when trying to have psychic dreams. This is why it is important to put yourself in a completely relaxed state before going to sleep, so that your mind is cleared of the day's events. - 30438

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Make a Psychic Dream Pouch to Have Prophetic Dreams

By Tana Hoy

Psychic visions and messages from the spiritual plane can be obtained through your dreams. Your dreams are a means for you to gain higher forms of knowledge. However, in most cases, you may hardly remember your dreams or think you did not dream at all because you have forgotten what transpired in it. Other times, you do remember your dreams but realize that all you had were a replay of the day's events.

Your dreams can be a very good psychic tool. However, you should know how to have the right kind of dreams - those which are more psychic in nature. Dreams which show you a replay of the day's events or your residual memories of it are not always a good basis for interpretation or psychic significance. In fact, these dreams make you feel more tired because it would seem like you lived through your entire day again.

Psychic dreams occur when you reach deeper states of consciousness and you become more open to the spiritual plane. There are ways for you to bring about these psychic dreams. Apart from deliberately relaxing the body before sleeping, you can follow methods which will allow you to have psychic dreams every single night.

This method for having psychic dreams is a very simple one. All you need to do is have a small drawstring pouch, and any of the following herbs. You can choose to have all, or just one of them, or just select which herbs you like.








These herbs help in opening you up to psychic visions and prophetic dreams. When you have chosen and gathered your herbs and have prepared your pouch, imbue them with your own powers by following these steps:

1. Sit down with the pouch and herbs laid out before you.

2. Do some deep breathing exercises until your body and mind completely relax.

3. Pick up the pouch and open it. Start placing small amounts of the herbs in it. As you do this, think only of the herbs' natural powers. Imagine their unseen energies combining to create a powerful tool for bringing about psychic dreams.

4. When you are done, tightly close the drawstring pouch, sealing the powers of the herbs together. Their energies are released through the pouch's cloth.

5. Hang your herb pouch over your bed or anywhere close to it.

Every couple of weeks, replace the contents of your dream pouch; you can also change them sooner, if you feel it is already needed. If there is hardly any scent, it is also an indicator that the herbs are too dried up already, and you can refresh your herb pouch.

Don't forget to take note of all the dreams you have in a dream journal. This will help you remember the psychic dreams you have had and what they signify, should you wish to refer back to them.

Do not worry if you do not immediately have psychic dreams on the first night, or if there are nights when you seem not to have any dreams at all. Remember that you will eventually ease into the process and be able to have and remember more psychic dreams. Your fatigue and relaxation level are also factors to consider when trying to have psychic dreams. This is why it is important to put yourself in a completely relaxed state before going to sleep, so that your mind is cleared of the day's events. - 30438

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Psychic Ability - How To Create A Money Jar of Abundance

By Tana Hoy

Did you know that you can utilize your psychic ability to draw more money into your life? Sure, you can.

There are many ways for you to do this; you are about to learn one of the most effective methods right now! And money isn't the only thing you can draw to you when you use your natural psychic ability - you can make anything you want to come to you. But for now, you can start practicing how to use your psychic ability to bring more money into your purse.

You might assume that you first need to advance your psychic ability before you can achieve your goal of getting more money. This is not exactly the case. You can use your psychic ability, whatever its level is, and obtain what you want. Naturally, practicing often will result to better and faster results, but you can begin now to use your psychic ability and effect wanted changes to your life little by little.

For this technique, you need a glass jar - a mayonnaise jar or a peanut butter jar will do well. You also need to prepare some coins. Then, follow these simple steps:

1. Find a quiet location where you can spend some time to meditate. Bring your glass jar and coins with you.

2. Sit down and place the items in front of you. Close your eyes and spend some time for deep breathing. This will clear your mind and relax your body.

3. Open your eyes when you are ready. Hold the glass jar with both hands. Close your eyes again. Feel the warmth of your hands around the jar. As you do this, think of your hands and see them glowing in your mind's eye - this is your natural psychic ability imbuing the jar with power to multiply the amount of money it will have. Stay at this until you can see the jar glowing as well.

4. When you feel that the jar is already fully imbued with your energy, open your eyes. Place the jar down. Put the coins you have prepared inside it. A few coins is fine. Then, feel your own psychic ability working through the jar which you empowered. Know that all the coins it contains will grow in amount and be returned to you.

5. The jar should be placed on your desk or anywhere you will see it often everyday. Drop a few coins in it whenever you can. Imagine the coins being empowered by your psychic ability each time you put them in. Keep doing this until the jar is full.

6. When the jar is full, know that all the coins contained in it are empowered to multiply. Start spending them - you can take some to get something from the vending machine, help out someone who needs change, or buy an item from the store. You do not need to spend everything in one go - just take from the jar as needed. For each time you take coins from it and spend them, visualize each empowered coin only temporarily leaving your possession to bring you back more of its kind. Know and trust that each of these coins will come back to you, multiplied.

7. Before the jar becomes completely empty, start the process again of filling up the jar. If you wish, you may also repeat the process of empowering the jar even if it still has some coins, before you start dropping more coins again.

Eventually, you will notice that your psychic ability is really working for you in bringing you more money. You don't need to compute how much you have put in the jar and how much money has come back - you are not running a business. It is your psychic ability at work here - it draws to you whatever it is that you want and need. - 30438

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Preparing for Disaster: Guide to Surviving 2012

By Don Olivia

There will be a day no one will ever forget. A day that has never been seen before that day is on December 21, 2012. We will all have our questions that day. But I think it will take quite a bit of time to actually know what is going on. No one knows what will happen will we be hit by a mysterious planet, or will we have a massive climate shift? Everyone will need a guide to surviving 2012 if they expect to live.

The main things you will need to survive are a survival bag. You will need a bag ready to go, with all the essential gear and food needed for your survival. You will need lots and I mean lots of canned food. You and your family need a plan in case of disaster. Run this plan just like you would a tornado or fire drill.

You will need a planned escape route, and you and your family should educate yourselves on basic survival skills. Plan for many different scenarios, because we have no way of knowing which will occur. All we know is what everyone else is saying, and what we are hearing is scary.

These survival techniques are quite important for your family and for you to know. This situation is scary for everyone involved, but that's OK you just learn what you can about what is going to happen on that day, but do not think you are smarter than the people out on the street and do not start yelling at people in the street.

Anyone that owns a TV has been watching the news and they all know what people are saying about 2012. I personally do not believe that 2012 we be as bad as some are saying. I do however believe that our world is about to undergo some serious changes now whether those changes are good or bad i have not got a clue.

The media is hyping up this 2012 event to keep people scared. I don't think it will be the end of the world, but I think were approaching a new age and I don't know if it will be good or bad, I just don't know. Here are some tips on how to get ready for 2012.

I've give you tips on food, but I neglected to mention water, remember to stock up with lots of bottled water. You should take these tips and the above tips and read through you little guide to surviving 2012. The last thing I want you to do is get close to all of your family and your friends. Stick close together and learn what you can about how you can take care of the ones who are not as prepared. One more tip for you take your life one day at a time. - 30438

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Psychic Ability - 7 Steps for Making A Magic Candle That Will Fulfill Your Desires

By Tana Hoy

As you enhance your psychic ability, the greater benefits you will experience from using it. As you use your psychic ability more often, the more you cultivate it. So, it becomes a constantly abounding gift which brings more and more remarkable benefits to you.

Now, I am going to help you learn an exercise which makes use of your psychic ability and cultivates it at the same time. This exercise shows you how to turn an ordinary candle into one that can help you achieve your desires. From choosing the items you will need for this exercise, up to the point when the candle has completely melted down, your psychic ability will be intensely at work.

For this psychic ability technique, these items need to be ready:

A candle of a specific color, depending on your intention; a plain white candle is alright if colored ones are not available

A safe fireproof dish to place the candle on

Fragrant oils for anointing the candles; the fragrance will depend on your intention

Anything to light the candles with

Below are the types of wish fulfillment candles you can make using your psychic ability. Each type will require a specific color for the candle and a specific scent for the oil.

Money Candles

Green or white candle

Any of these scented oils: Cinnamon, Bayberry, Vanilla, or Orange Mint

Health Candles

Light blue or white candle

Any of these scented oils: Blackberry, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, or Sandalwood

Love Candles

Pink or white candle

Any of these scented oils: Lotus, Hyacinth, Jasmine, or Lavender

Protection Candles

White candle

Any of these scented oils: Basil, Raspberry, Rose, or Violet

Psychic Awareness Candles

Blue or white candle

Any of these scented oils: Citronella, Lemongrass, Peppermint, or Thyme

These are the steps you need to take for creating your desire fulfillment candles:

1. Prepare the tools you will need for this exercise. Sit down comfortably and place the tools in front of you.

2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax. When you are ready, open your eyes. You will now need to start anointing your candles for your selected intention.

3. When anointing, place a bit of oil on your thumb and middle finger. Gently oil the candle, leaving out the wick. While doing this, keep your mind focused on what you want. If it's a love candle you are making, focus on love coming to your life.

4. When you have anointed the candle and have clearly envisioned your intention in your mind, rest the candle on its container. Light the wick.

5. Sit quietly. Allow your eyes to focus on the candle's flame. Know that as it burns down and the heat disperses into the air, your intention is being received by the Universe. Your wish is on its way to being fulfilled.

6. Meditate on your wish for as long as you want. If you want to stay until the candle burns down, you can. If your candle is big , you may also put the candle out and use it again the following day.

7. You may light your candle and meditate on your intention daily, until it burns down completely. When it is completely burned down, thank the Universe for its fulfillment. You may then make and light another wish fulfillment candle. It can be the same kind of candle to reinforce your intention, or another type of candle for another type of wish.

Each time you do this exercise, your psychic ability becomes heightened as it becomes one with the energies of the Universe. Your own psychic ability is also helping in bringing to you what you wish for. At the same time, your psychic ability gets stronger as it gets exercised more often.

This method is only one of the various ways in which your psychic ability can help you as it enhances itself. Keep practicing more - as you develop your psychic ability, it can bring you whatever you want. - 30438

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Meditation - 7 Powerful Ways It Can Change Your Life!

By Tana Hoy

Meditation can give you unlimited benefits. Here are 7 of the benefits with which meditation can change your life. As you continue with your meditation learning and practice, you will experience more and more of its truly wonderful benefits.

1. A Totally Relaxed Body and Mind

As you ease into more relaxed states during your meditation, you will feel more rested and refreshed - perhaps even more than after getting a few hours of sleep. Worries will no longer loom over you and will seem trivial when you view them with a well-rested mind. You will no longer feel hurried or agitated.

2. Clarity of Mind

After each meditation, your mind becomes clear. You will be able to handle a situation or a challenge with clearer thinking. You will know how to gauge between the emotional and practical sides of things. You will be able to act and decide at the proper time. You will become fully in touch with yourself and can prepare for the results of your decision.

3. Complete Healing and Wellness

When your body and mind relax, your body heals itself faster. As you let go of thoughts that trouble you, your body is able to fully rest. Your body then becomes able to utilize the extra energy for faster recovery from any illness or negative state.

4. A More Heightened Creative Mind

With a peaceful mind and a deeper connection with yourself, you will find inspiration more easily. The practice of meditation lets your creative mind open up and express itself. So, when you feel like your creative side has not been active, meditation can aid in rejuvenating it.

5. Heightened Self-Awareness

As you meditate and go deep within yourself, you will truly know how you are - how you feel and how you are doing. If you are in an unpleasant state, you can then proceed to pacifying any anxious thoughts and calming the self. If you are in a happy state, you become fully aware of it, and you magnify this inner joy. It is always good to look inward and get in touch with your self and know how you are.

6. Improved Ability to Focus and Concentrate

You will find an inner stillness during meditation, where there are no bothersome images and nagging thoughts that will disrupt your concentration. But in order to achieve this, you need to let them go, one by one. This can be quite challenging especially when you are preoccupied by certain things which really affect you so much. But in time, you will discover how meditation can help increase your ability to focus on only one thing at a time, despite all the distractions around you.

7. Experiencing Inner Peace

Most of your physical ailments and causes of stress arise from your constant over-thinking. A lot of times, you may feel angrier, sadder, or more frustrated because of the thoughts and replay of unpleasant memories in your head. You close your eyes and then these are the things you find within you. In meditation, you learn to close your eyes and not be bombarded by these thoughts. Meditation teaches you to find silence within. It guides you to your innermost aspect, where perfect peace lies.

Meditation has always addressed the needs of different people. Meditation can truly help you - whether you need to fully rest, find freedom from negative thoughts, or experience peace within the self. Meditation always has a wonderful effect - you will always come out of each session feeling great and rejuvenated. When you make meditation part of your daily life, you will fully experience its benefits all your life. - 30438

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Psychic Cleansing - 7 Ways to Cleanse Your Aura for Physical And Spiritual Protection

By Tana Hoy

What is Psychic Cleansing?

Psychic cleansing means cleansing the mental, emotional, and spiritual layers of your aura from all forms of negative energies, impure intentions, depressing thoughts, dark emotions, and other similar imbalances. Just as you take a regular bath or shower to cleanse your physical body of all kinds of impurities, psychic cleansing does the same to your aura. It removes any negative energy from it, creating a feeling of deeper, inner peace.

The Top 5 Benefits of Psychic Cleansing

After taking a shower or bath, don't you feel so much better and renewed afterward? You feel relaxed and refreshed, and a much happier mood takes over you. Psychic cleansing has the same effect, except that the effects of psychic cleansing reach beyond your physical body. The comfort you feel is something you can psychically experience.

Giving yourself some psychic cleansing entails the following benefits. These are just the 5 top benefits which you will get from psychic cleansing, among many others.

1. Experience a balance between your physical and spiritual aspect.

Though your physical body is clean, it does not assure good health. You may be physically very neat, but your mind is messed up by over-thinking. Psychic cleansing protects you from these unseen impurities and dirt in the form of negative thinking and worrisome thoughts, thus balancing your physical and spiritual aspect.

2. Have the proper state of mind and body for any form of activity.

By clearing your mind, psychic cleansing prepares you for anything you need to do. You can be prepared for anything - from simply picking an option to practicing a psychic exercise.

3. Heal and recover much more quickly.

You protect a wound from becoming infected by washing it well. The wound also heals more quickly. This is also how psychic cleansing helps you heal - whether it is a spiritual, physical, or emotional healing. It recharges you faster as you sleep, resulting to faster healing.

4. Be free from negativity which can influence other areas of your life.

If, for example, you are in a bad emotional state, other aspects of your life may be influenced by this bad feeling. It can affect your work, your private time, or any other area of your life which should not be affected by negativity. Psychic cleansing keeps this negativity from spreading by taking it away completely.

5. Lead a peaceful and happy life.

Psychic cleansing aids you in finding your inner peace and happiness. As this inner peace and joy emanates from you, you draw in more peace and joy to you. In the process, you influence others too to experience the same kind of good energy.

7 Effective Steps for Psychic Cleansing

1. Psychic cleansing should be done twice a day - the one in the morning prepares you for the day, just like taking a morning shower. The one at night cleanses you for bedtime, just as you take a warm bath or wash up.

2. Begin your psychic cleansing by sitting down in a quiet spot and relaxing your body.

3. Imagine a ball of bright light shining down on you from over your head.

4. The rays of light extend down to you, going through the top of your head. The light is pleasantly warm, and you feel its warmth at wherever it passes through in your body. Each area it passes also becomes cleansed of any negativity.

5. The light continues to travel down to the level of your forehead. Feel the warmth. Notice that the area it has passed through is also shining with pure clean light, cleansed of all impurities. The light continues down the level of your eyebrows, throat, heart, pelvis, legs, knees, and feet. Feel the warmth and see your self being totally cleansed.

6. The light continues down to the ground, carrying all your negativity into the earth and away from you.

7. When you are totally cleansed, the ball of light goes down into the ground as well. You are now fully cleansed.

Do your psychic cleansing regularly, and you will see the remarkable difference it makes to your life. Experience each of the benefits from psychic cleansing, as listed above. Witness each benefit manifesting in your life. Through psychic cleansing, you can achieve the perfect physical and spiritual balance, and completely change the quality of your life. - 30438

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A Psychic Medium: Bridging the Gap To The Afterlife

By Tana Hoy

Do you ever wonder if the afterlife really exist? Can you really communicate with your loved ones that have passed way? Wonder no more, because yes, there is an afterlife. Not only that, you can communicate with those loved ones through the assistance of a psychic medium.

A Psychic Medium refers to a person who has abilities to communicate with beings from the spirit world. Their special gift allows spirits from the afterlife to communicate with them or through them. There is common misconception that a Psychic Medium is similar to a Psychic Reader. The two are definitely two different things. The differentiation is the source where the information comes from. Wherein psychic readers seek to give you a forecast, the Psychic Medium are to contact if you wish to communicate with the deceased. The main objective of a Psychic Medium is to prove survival of the human personality after death and to help the bereaved come to terms with their loss.

One of the abilities of a Psychic Medium is to listen and relate conversations between the person wanting to communicate with the deceased and the spirit voices from the afterlife. They can at times go into a trance when they allow the spirit to control their body and speak through it. Aside from this. a Psychic Medium can also relay messages from the spirits to those who wish to contact them with the help of a physical tool, such as a writing instrument.

"Mediumship" is a term that refers to the ability of the Psychic Medium to contact spirits of the dead, angels, or other immaterial entities. In the most basic sense, the role of the Psychic Medium is to facilitate communication with spirits who have messages for non-mediums. A person can just be medium, or a Psychic Medium. People who use the latter term do so in order to let you know that they also have some other psychic skill aside from the ability to communicate with spirit.

There are three forms of Mediumship. The first one is Physical Mediumship. This type involves physical evidence of contact such as voices, loud raps and noises, materialized objects, materialized spirit bodies, apports, and levitation. The setting for this type of mediumship is that the Psychic Medium sits around a table with the people who wish to contact the deceased. These sort of private sessions are done in darkly-lit rooms and traditional tools such as pirit trumpets, spirit cabinets, and levitation tables are used.

Mental mediumship is another form wherein the Psychic Medium communicates with the spirits through telepathy. It works with the Psychic Medium mentally hearing, seeing, and/or feeling messages from the spirits in the afterlife and then they pass it on to the message recipient.

The last type of mediumship allows spirits to use the body of the Psychic Medium to communicate. This is called Trance mediumship. With this form, the spirit communicator overshadows the medium and these spirits use the medium's body to communicate directly with the people in the session, and people may also communicate directly with the said spirit.

Whoever said that there is not such thing as the afterlife and that you cannot communicate with the deceased? Everything is possible. Especially with the help of the Psychic Medium. - 30438

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Psychic Reading - What Are The Best Questions to Ask?

By Tana Hoy

A psychic reading offers so many benefits for you. You can find answers to your questions, receive advice about a pressing issue, or be aware of what you need protection from, among other things. Basically, you are given an opportunity to prepare for the future and have a better idea of what it holds. A psychic reading lights the way for you.

Now, the future is comprised of all the different areas of your life. So when you ask about your future in a psychic reading, the answer is not only limited to one area or one relationship. Each area of your life can affect another, and it is best if you are aware of where each of these areas are oriented.

It is highly recommended that you prepare for your psychic reading by writing down your questions, so that you don't leave out anything. In the psychic reading, some questions you can ask may concern your future in the following areas.

Home Life

Learn about your relationship with your family and how each member can affect your life. Find out in a psychic reading who might need your help the most. Know which member is the best person to talk to at specific times.


This is about things under your possession, including those which are good for you and those which are doing you more bad than good. A psychic reading will give you guidance on which are worth keeping and which should be disposed of. You will also be advised on which items to take extra care of.


This is not just limited to romantic partnerships, but to friendships as well. You can ask about the future of any current relationship during a psychic reading. Know what bumps in the road are likely to be encountered. Learn of any new connections that may grow through time.


Find out from a psychic reading what sort of challenges are likely to come by and how you can best protect yourself so that you do not fail. It is best if you are aware too in case anyone wants to deliberately cause you not to succeed.


Ensure your security in terms of finances and career. Find guidance from a psychic reading on how to handle money matters and work-related decisions. Knowing how your financial future looks will give you very useful insights on how to deal with current financial and career concerns.


Gifts refer to your innate gifts. These can be your psychic ability, your artistic talents, or interpersonal skills. Find out how much more capable you are than you think. Discover your talents' benefits and when the best time is to hone them.

An Ending Or New Beginning

An end means the beginning of something new. Find out and be prepared for the end of any area of your life - the end of a struggle, of a specific stage in your life, the end of a long tedious process. Know from a psychic reading when to mark the beginning of a phase and what its significance is.

These are just some suggestions meant to guide you on what to ask, to help you organize your questions. Also, take note that your future is not fixed. A psychic reading just shows you where your current path is likely to bring you and how it can affect your future life. You can continue to follow it, or you can change its course.

The areas listed above are like your checklist of questions for a psychic reading. They are also meant to give you a clearer mental picture of what areas may closely affect each other, and which need your utmost attention. They can guide you to ask the right questions. The answers will then be the light that guides you in your life's journey to the future. - 30438

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Meditation - 7 Ways It Can Change Your Life!

By Tana Hoy

Meditation has an endless list of benefits just for you. What you will learn now are just the top 7 benefits through which meditation can change your life. As you get to know more about meditation and incorporate your learning into your life, you will find even more remarkable shifts in your life that result from it.

1. A Fully Relaxed Body and Mind

As you reach a more deeply relaxed state during meditation, you become more fully rested and renewed - probably even more than after hours of sleep. Fears and concerns will no longer trouble you and will all seem trivial because you are viewing them with a refreshed mind. Feelings of anxiety and agitation no longer influence you.

2. Clear Thinking

After each meditation, your mind becomes clear. You will be able to handle a situation or a challenge with clearer thinking. You will know how to gauge between the emotional and practical sides of things. You will be able to act and decide at the proper time. You will become fully in touch with yourself and can prepare for the results of your decision.

3. Complete Healing and Wellness

When your body and mind relax, your body heals itself faster. As you let go of thoughts that trouble you, your body is able to fully rest. Your body then becomes able to utilize the extra energy for faster recovery from any illness or negative state.

4. A More Heightened Creative Mind

With a peaceful mind and a deeper connection with yourself, you will find inspiration more easily. The practice of meditation lets your creative mind open up and express itself. So, when you feel like your creative side has not been active, meditation can aid in rejuvenating it.

5. Enhanced Self-Awareness

Meditating can help you determine how you truly are and how you really feel. If you are not in a good mood, you can immediately address it by calming the self. If you are feeling good or happy, then becoming fully aware of it magnifies your joy. This is why it is always good to look within by meditating.

6. Improved Ability to Focus and Concentrate

You will find an inner stillness during meditation, where there are no bothersome images and nagging thoughts that will disrupt your concentration. But in order to achieve this, you need to let them go, one by one. This can be quite challenging especially when you are preoccupied by certain things which really affect you so much. But in time, you will discover how meditation can help increase your ability to focus on only one thing at a time, despite all the distractions around you.

7. Discovering Inner Peace

Most of your physical illness and stress take root from thinking too much. If you will notice, you feel sadder, angrier, or more disappointed because you keep replaying unpleasant memories in your head. When you close your eyes, these are the things you see with your mind's eye. In meditation though, you learn to close your eyes without being bombarded by these bad thoughts. Meditation helps you find peace and quiet within, and you find these in deep meditative states.

Meditation has always addressed the needs of different people. Meditation can truly help you - whether you need to fully rest, find freedom from negative thoughts, or experience peace within the self. Meditation always has a wonderful effect - you will always come out of each session feeling great and rejuvenated. When you make meditation part of your daily life, you will fully experience its benefits all your life. - 30438

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Psychic Ability - 7 Steps For Using Water As A Powerful Psychic Tool

By Tana Hoy

There are many ways to increase your psychic ability. One is through the use of a truly powerful element - water. Water is an element which is coordinated with our latent thoughts and feelings. When used as a tool for developing your psychic ability, its natural psychic powers correspond to yours.

Below are 7 easy steps for using water to enhance your psychic ability. Just like any other method for increasing your psychic ability, this exercise has to be practiced regularly and patiently. An advanced psychic ability may not result instantly, but with each practice, know that you are getting closer to your goal.

For this technique, you need to have a clear bowl of spring or bottled water. You also need some rose or cinnamon oil.

1. Choose a quiet place where you can stay, undisturbed. Have your bowl of water and scented oil with you.

2. Sit down. Place the bowl and container of oil in front of you. Straighten your back; relax your arms and shoulders. Close your eyes. Take a few moments to breathe deeply and empty your mind.

3. When you are ready, open your eyes. Place a few drops of rose or cinnamon oil into the bowl of water. Rose and cinnamon help sharpen your psychic ability. As you inhale the oil's fragrance, know that its powers are at work. Let the scent awaken your inner psychic ability.

4. As you inhale and exhale slowly with the oil magnifying your focus on your goal, direct your attention to the surface of the water. You may see a play of light on it, or a gentle movement caused by the wind. Keep focusing on it, your mind clear and empty.

5. You may feel like you are in a trance, with mental images fleeting by. Take a quick note of these; do not dwell on them. Totally relax yourself until you feel as fluid as the water you are connecting with. Stay in this state for as long as you want.

6. When you are done, gently close your eyes as you take a deep breath. Mentally take note of anything that occurred to you as you concentrated on the water. If there is none, it is perfectly okay. Remember that even having an empty mind also gives way to the enhancement of your psychic ability.

7. Open your eyes when you are done. Write down in a psychic journal everything that you remember during the activity. Your notes can be used as reference when you discover the relevance of the thoughts and images that came to you, and then you can add your discoveries to your notes.

With regular practice, you will eventually become more comfortable with the technique. Be mindful that each try brings your psychic ability closer to being fully developed. It may not be immediately apparent, but remember that as soon as you have the intention to develop your psychic ability, you have already taken the steps towards its fulfillment. - 30438

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