Psychic Reading " How To See and Read Your Own Aura

By Tana Hoy

In an aura reading, the reader bases his or her psychic reading on the colors of your aura and what they mean. The information or advice given to you says a lot about what the reader sees in your aura.

You can learn to read your own aura and do you own psychic reading. You just need to practice, of course. Later on, the practice of psychic reading is something you can regularly do when you feel the need. But, you need to know the basics of aura reading first.

Understanding What An Aura Is

An aura is a layer of energy emanating from every person. It can be seen in different colors, with each color signifying a specific emotional state or mental inclination. The colors and their meanings are the basis of the information you get from a psychic reading.

How to Read Your Own Aura

Any form of psychic reading requires practice, as much as aura reading. To begin your learning process, you can practice with the exercise below.

1. Seat yourself comfortably in front of a mirror, with your back against a plain white background.

2. Slowly close your eyes first and relax by taking a few deep breaths.

3. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes.

4. Look towards the area around your head or shoulders. Let your eyes rest on the edges where your body separates from the wall, without completely focusing on them. If your vision blurs or loses its focus, that is okay.

5. When you continue to practice this, you will be able to see a thin layer of moving light around you. Do not worry if you do not see anything on the first few tries.

6. Write down your observations in a psychic reading journal. Include your personal notes on how to address certain issues which may have surfaced.

Learn The Colors of The Aura and Their Meanings As Seen in A Psychic Reading

RED: A fierce drive to obtain something. While being driven is good, there is also a reminder to be cautious against being too obsessive.

BROWN: A deeply-rooted disturbance which may consume the self if not addressed properly. This requires a long term solution to an issue. Temporary relief from the disturbance will not help at all.

GRAY: A state of being in limbo. Usually manifests as indecisiveness or lack of motivation. Indicates a warning against falling into negative states or emotions.

WHITE: A need to reconnect with your spiritual aspect. You need to review your way of living. You could be too absorbed by earthly things to the point of exhaustion. Balance is required.

PURPLE: A strong bond with your spirituality. Psychic activities or practices are best done or enhanced at this time.

BLUE: A state of wellness which flows all throughout the body. You are reminded to always come back to this state when you feel lost or not well.

TURQUOISE: A powerful determination to accomplish something. You need to exercise your creativity and charisma in order to realize a goal.

GREEN: A deep connection to your nature and how you connect to the universe. Your energies are perfect for strengthening your bond with the self, and caring for others who are not as connected to their nature.

YELLOW: A very positive state of mind. You are generally content with how things are going around you. Share the positive energies you have with those around you.

ORANGE: A fierce desire to take over and control. This is a difficult time to come to terms with others so you are required to step back and let this strong urge subside.

You will be able to give yourself your own psychic reading when you know and understand the colors of your own aura. By identifying your current state, you can immediately address any issues which you may not have known if you did not take a look at your aura's color. So, by giving yourself a psychic reading, you can also figure out what needs to be done and do it right away.

By continuing this form of psychic reading, you will soon become more comfortable with it. So, study the meanings of your aura and how to address each corresponding state or issue. Eventually, you will learn how to understand your own aura when you do your own psychic reading. - 30438

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Psychic Readings - What Are The Different Types

By Tana Hoy

A psychic reading is a very helpful tool that can guide you in making the right decisions in your life. It will allow you to see your life in a deeper light, not only your present situation, but your past and future as well. There are various forms of psychic readings. Below are the common types and how they are done:

Aura or Energy Reading

This form of psychic reading requires a psychic to observe your aura and interpret it. An aura can be considered as our spiritual signature. By observing this, a psychic will be able to discover lots of things about you, including your personality and your problems. From this, they will be able to guide and steer you to follow the right path.


Psychic reading in the form of psychometry makes use of personal objects. This object should be connected with you to a great degree, this can be a piece of jewelry or something that you always wear or carry with you. Strong emotions are stored in these objects, and the psychic can pick up these emotions when he/she is holding the object. The psychic can pick up any information, a feeling, or a location. By doing this, your psychic will be able to analyze and understand you better, and he/she can impart this knowledge to you.

Tarot Card Reading

Using the tarot in a psychic reading is very popular. By using a deck of cards, a psychic can help you find answers to every issue in your life, which can be about love and relationships, or it can also pertain to your career. Each tarot card has a meaning, as well as the positions of each card. Your psychic will lay out the cards, and interpret them for you. Getting a tarot card reading can be a very memorable experience as it can provide you a means to know yourself better, and it can also allow you to take a peek into your future.


Numerology is a psychic reading that makes use of numbers. These numbers can be derived from your birth date and certain numbers assigned to your name. By using these numbers, this type of psychic reading gives you a better understanding of your personality. It may also shed light into your present situation and what you may be experiencing now. But, not only that, numerology can also let you know what to expect from your future.

Palm Reading

Palmistry as a form of psychic reading, makes use of the palm of your hand and all its creases, lines, mounts, and bumps. Every little detail on your palm will be studied, including the shape of your hand, the length of the lines, and many more. Your palm contains a lot of information about you, and can also possibly tell you about your future.

Rune Reading

Casting runes or stones with special runic characters on it is a psychic reading that has been present for a very long time. Each runic character has a special meaning, and the way that these characters are casted can help you discern the future.

Psychic Reading By A Psychic Medium

Psychic readings done by psychic mediums are the most accurate type of psychic reading that you can get. A psychic medium obtains information from the highest spiritual source. He/she is able to connect with the spirit world, including the angels. The mediums act as translators of messages that the spirit guides convey to them. That's why a psychic medium does not need to use additional tools such as tarot cards or runes to answer your questions. This psychic reading can also be performed anyplace.

As there is more than one type of psychic reading, you have to be able to choose from what type your psychic reading will come from. Your psychic can have more than one specialty, so, you should also know where they're best at. Know that the purpose of a psychic reading is to help you gain insight into your life, and how you can use this information to live your life to the fullest. - 30438

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Psychic Children " Their Gifts Are Our Future

By Tana Hoy

All of us were born with a natural psychic ability. However, while some easily discover it within themselves, some of us will need to allot time and effort in order to develop and learn how to use it.

While most children are more psychically sensitive than grown-ups, certain children manifest more obvious signs of an advanced psychic ability. For instance, there are children who can "see" into the future with their mind's eye, or children who can "see" with their hands or feet, with their eyes blindfolded. Some children are reported to be able to see and speak to a family member who died before they were born.

Psychic children can continuously develop their abilities with our help as adults. In time, we will see how, in their own way, these children can play a vital role in our lives. This is what makes them special - their ability to make a difference in how we view things and live our lives. With their psychic gift, these children can affect us in many ways.

The Profound Ways How Psychic Children Can Influence The Way We Live Our Lives

Accepting psychic children and nurturing their psychic gifts will help them grow into well-adjusted adults. We are acknowledging them as contributors to our own growth and to the community's welfare. Below are just some of the ways where we can help out each other:

Psychic children can send and bring messages for us, to and from the spiritual realms.

Children's minds are very open and receptive, enabling them to easily see angels and guides, more often referred to by adults as imaginary friends or companions. We should openly talk to these children about what they see instead of telling them they are imaginary.

By the time psychic children are fully grown, their psychic ability will have fully developed as well; this means a community of psychically developed adults in the future.

We can help our psychic children of today as they grow with their special gifts. As they get used to it, we can teach them the basics of meditation and visualization. This will help them control their minds and create shields of protection when needed. They will continue to develop this as they grow up.

Psychic children can speak to us in a manner that will enlighten us.

Children are very open communicators and find it very easy to express their thoughts, even on matters that adults are not very comfortable with. For instance, our fears of death or financial instability are regarded by children simply by saying "going to sleep" or "money will come." If we think about it, dying and financial lack are not supposed to sound so scary.

Psychic children emanate with energies of love and peace which reflects on their surroundings.

Children are very transparent when it comes to their emotions - you can totally see if they are excited, contented, or very pleased. When children feel great and happy, their energies fill up an entire room, and everyone in it experiences the same youthful, energetic, and positive flow of their energies.

By being conscious of how we raise our psychic children of today, we will have a future community of psychically advanced people.

Eventually, our psychic children of today will grow up as the adults who will make up our future. If they are brought up with their abilities acknowledged, nurtured, and enhanced, they will become adults who know how to show the same kind of love, care, and understanding towards children who have the same skill as they do as adults.

We all have a natural psychic ability from the time we were born, and all have the capability to develop it to the fullest. However, while psychic children are already able to master it at a very early stage, they are also at a point in their lives when their minds are very open and receptive. They are not restrained by negative thoughts. Their minds are free of judgment and malicious schemes. This is why we should listen to them and let them inspire us. They are special, and their abilities can have a profound effect on our lives and our future. - 30438

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Psychic Reading - 5 Effective Ways to Get the Most Out of It

By Tana Hoy

You may have already decided that you are going to get a psychic reading. There could be several reasons why you seek psychic advice " you want to know about finding your true love, getting the job you want, earning more than you do now, or preparing yourself for what the future holds. Whatever your reason is, you expect to get good, accurate, helpful advice.

So how do you make sure that you find what you seek from a psychic reading? Here are 5 helpful tips for you to make sure that you come out of it feeling great, rejuvenated, hopeful, optimistic, and satisfied! You surely want to feel that way afterwards, right? Then remember to follow these tips for getting the most from it!

1. Choose a reputable psychic medium for your psychic reading.

When you get your psychic reading, make sure that you choose a psychic medium wisely. Some may offer you a free psychic reading - don't easily fall for these! Some of these "free" readings may end up charging you a big fee anyway by luring you with additional information. Check the background of a psychic medium; look for someone known by the media to give you accurate and helpful psychic advice.

2. Identify your questions and write them down.

You need to have a clear purpose when going for a reading. If you don't know what to ask or where to start with your questions, then you might not fully benefit from the psychic reading.

List down the questions you wish to ask the psychic medium. Write down any concerns you have that you want to consult about.

3. Relax and open your mind before your psychic reading.

In relation to what I mentioned earlier, your mind has to be clear and open for you to accept information readily. To clear and open your mind prior to your psychic reading, meditate or spend a few minutes alone. Do some breathing exercises and let go of any distracting thoughts.

4. Keep in mind that whatever you learn from your psychic reading opens a window of opportunity for you to follow the path to your goals.

The information given to you in a psychic reading are basically signals that show you the direction to which you are currently oriented. This way, you become aware of what changes need to be made. In a psychic reading, nothing is set in stone; you are actually provided with guidance so that you can see clearer into the future.

5. Start a journal and update it each time you get a psychic reading.

It is always good to record information from your psychic reading - take note of all the information you gained. Add your own notes and insights to help process your thoughts. List down any goals and action plans you have for the future. Your journal will be your reference for past readings and it will be a guide for future situations.

You will get the most out of your psychic reading by following these 5 helpful tips. Start with a clear and open mind, and take the information you will receive not as definite, but as an opportunity for you to change the direction of your life towards a better one.

With these tips in mind, you will be able to get the most out of your psychic reading! - 30438

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How a Psychic Medium Can Help You

By Tana Hoy

Psychic reading can be obtained in various ways " through a deck of Tarot cards, through the lines on your palms, through a crystal ball, or through a psychic medium. Notice that a psychic medium does not need special tools to see into your past, present, or future. This is because he or she has a fully developed gift which he or she uses to gain necessary information from the spiritual world.

Considering that a psychic medium can communicate with the "other side", how does that really help you? There are plenty of ways! What you will learn now, however, are just the Top 5 ways how a psychic medium can help bring about amazing transformations to your way of living!

1. Receive messages from the spiritual realms.

With the very important role of being a voice for the spiritual realm, a psychic medium can relay messages to you from spirit guides and angels. These messages are also relayed to your in terms or ways that you can easily grasp and understand, because a psychic medium is gifted with the ability to decipher what is being told to them by higher beings.

2. Understand your past and current situation, and know what to expect from the future.

The ability of a psychic medium to connect with spirit guides and angels allows him or her to ask them questions and receive answers and other relevant information. In this manner, a medium gains knowledge about your past and present, together with any important advice you should know about. He or she can also help shed light into your future so you know what to look forward to.

3. Discover things about yourself and your situation.

Perhaps you have prepared questions to ask a psychic medium. You are not completely sure though, if there is anything else you should know that you may have failed to ask. This is not a problem because the psychic medium is there to provide you with any necessary information which he or she obtains from his or her spirit guides and guardian angels.

4. Have a better hold of your future.

With a clearer understanding of your past, present, and visions of the future, you will definitely be eager to move forward and make great things happen. As you plan for your continuous progress, you can consult with a psychic medium for honest and objective advice. A medium can see outside of your situation and can offer you worthy points to consider.

5. Increase your awareness of your own psychic ability.

A psychic medium can serve as a very good guide for you in harnessing your own psychic ability. He or she can help you go through the process of getting in touch with yourself more deeply. Later on, he or she can help you progress further towards the development of your psychic ability. Eventually, you will also have better control of how and where your energies are directed, which will also help you fulfill your plans for the future.

A psychic medium tells you everything you should know because he or she has the sincere desire to help you. It is his or her joy to know that you will now be able to lead a fuller life and enjoy its pleasures. So by talking and listening to a psychic medium, you are allowing yourself be led and guided towards the path that will bring you to a totally joyful life! - 30438

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